The FHG enables eligible single parents with dependents to build a new home or purchase an existing one with a deposit of 2 percent, subject to lenders' credit criteria. Recipients can qualify regardless of whether they are a first home buyer or a previous home owner.
The First Home Guarantee (previously called the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme FHLDS) is available for eligible purchasers of their first home to get into the property market by paying only a 5% deposit on their mortgage with the Queensland Government’s Aid. It is organised by Housing Australia on behalf of the Australian Government. It is referred to as the FHBG.
The FHSS (First Home Super Saver Scheme) scheme was introduced by the Australian Government in the Federal Budget 2017-18 to reduce pressure on housing affordability. From 1 July 2017 you can make voluntary contributions into your superannuation fund to save for your first home.
The new rules state that first time buyers need now only save a 5% deposit when they purchase a new property. Currently most banks and financiers require a 20% deposit before they will consider providing finance for the purchase of a residential property.
The Queensland first home owners’ grant is a state government initiative to help first owners to get their new first home sooner. Depending on the date of your contract, you’ll get $15,000 or $20,000 towards buying or building your new house, unit or townhouse (valued at less than $750,000). You can even buy off the plan or choose to build yourself. It’s a great opportunity to buy or build a new home in our great state.